
Showing posts from June, 2021


  INTRODUCTION Perception is the sensory experience of our surrounding environment. In broad, perception can be defined as organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment. This is a process of physical or chemical stimulation of the sense orange by involving the signals in the nervous system. For example, when the light striking the retina of the eye it makes vision, hearing involves pressure waves. But the perception is not the passive receipt of these above signals. It is shaped by learning, memory, expectations, and attention. This is to show we organize the elements in our brain. Firstly, we select the item to attend to and block out most of everything else in the surround. Yes! It is our brain’s way of focusing on the task to give it our attention. In this case, we have chosen to attend to the image. Then, we organize the elements in our brain.  For this picture, there might some individuals who will see


  INTRODUCTION We study arguments offered to support claims or positions while we're 'doing philosophy.' Arguments are just that: tools. Justification and explanation are the primary goals of arguments. Justifications and explanations both attempt to provide justifications. Because arguments are built up of words, we can't comprehend them without first grasping the basics of language. Words take on meaning as part of a complex system of linguistic conventions. WHAT ARE ARGUMENTS The delivery of an argument has the effect of persuading someone to believe a conclusion that they previously did not accept.  It is not hypnosis in the traditional sense, nor is it trickery or persuasion. The goal is to make a good argument. For this, we intend to argue persuasively in order to persuade others to accept our viewpoint. Justifications can be divided into two categories.. I've given two instances from my own personal experience to demonstrate the two categories. When I was in


  INTRODUCTION When Introducing word philosophy which is a Greek word and it means “Love of Wisdom” In a broad sense, we can define philosophy as “an activity people undertake when they seek to understand fundamental truths for their own problems, such as; about themselves, about the world in which they live, about their cultures and relationships. Philosophy was begun in the 17 th and 18th centuries and Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes, Loke, Hume, Kant were some philosophers in the past. These philosophers were made some philosophical arguments under several areas such as Philosophy of Law, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Art, Philosophy of Science “The unexamined life is not worth living”   – Socrates